Hello, I’m Molly! I am an herbalist, farmer, astrologer, tarot reader, and witch living on my small homestead nestled in a forest in western Massachusetts. 

I started QOC in 2020 with my talent for making plant, crystal, and celestial essences such as Balance, Motivation, Confident Communication, and Shadow. Essences can be used orally, used to dress candles, in sprays, in magical baths or floor washes, and uses limited only by your imagination. We have since added a variety of products that are all handmade with ingredients exclusively grown, harvested, foraged, or mined right here in New England.

I organically grow all the herbs and flowers used in our products. All the crystals used in our products are exclusively from the region, ethically sourced, and mined by local rock hounds. Any bones used in our products are cleaned by me and my husband. All animal products used in our projects are ethically sourced from the New England area.

We pride ourselves on knowing where our products come from, every piece on our site has a story and each item is handcrafted with love and intention.

Feel free to contact me with questions at queenofcupsapothecary@gmail.com